Create New Call
Completing a Call
Search the Log
Quick Call Search
Change Call Data
Call Status
Adding Owners to Calls
Removing Owners from Calls
Accepting a Call
System Specification


RMT is a web based tool  that can record and display information in a way that aids in the management of resources required to deliver a service (or services).  Service recipients and resource managers can easily and quickly track progress on outstanding requests, projects,  equipment status and obtain information about staff work loads and priorities. RMT is particularly good at recording the relationships between multiple task owners and can display a history of every owner, when they were added to a call, when they finished their component of a call and who added or removed them from a call.

Features of RMT:

RMT is written in the Perl programming language.

Operating Procedures

Getting Started:

New call creation requires authentication. On the first attempt to create a new call, users will be asked for a username and password. These fields are identical to those used for a central login or a modem login.

Either Netscape (3.2 or greater), or Internet Explorer (4.0 or greater) can be used to open the URL: /rmt.html

Choices are:

This will invoke the log-entry create page. Fields are: Upon successful completion of data entry, the next available call number is retrieved and allocated to the call.  

Completing (closing) a Call

Your involovement in a call can be closed by selecting the "closed" status in the Call Attributes field while updating a call.:

Note the follwing:


Search the Logs.

Searching can be performed on :

Quick Call Search

The Quick call search enables users to execute a simple URL that will quickly show the status of an existing call. This is useful for helpdesk staff who wish to inform users of call numbers such that the user can obtain call status without going through the complete search request page.

Quicksearch is activated by entering the following URL in the browser location box:

Where: ### is the call number

Or the URL to check for your outstanding calls:

Where: ### is your person number

Change or Update Call Details

You must be an authorised RMT user before you can add or change call information. You must be a call owner before you change any call information. However, you don't have to be a call owner to add journal entries.

Updates are done by either:

Changes are made to the database when the "Update Call" button is clicked. To view your changes, refresh the browser page.

When adding new journal entries, other call owners may be notified by email of your journal addition be selecking the owner email from the "NotifyIf selected, the "notify" selection box (at the top-right of the journal entry area).


Active calls have a status of "outstanding" and resides in an active database table. When marked as "completed" by the primary owner, the call remains in the active directory for 3 months. After this time, the call is marked as "archived" and moved to the archive database table.

Authorised users may restore archived calls by changing the call status from "archived" to "outstanding" from the call update page.


Calls are owned initially by the call creator (the primary owner) and then shared by adding sub owners. There is always a primary call owner. All sub owners are added by the primary owner or any other sub owner. A history of ownership is kept and may be viewed by clicking on the "history" button of the call update page.
Primary ownership can be relinquished only when there are no sub owners by adding a new owner and selecting ownership="transfer"by referral with the "ownership transferred" option selected on the call update page.

Progress Summary

Clicking on the "progress" button of the "update" page opens a progress sub window, which display a summary of call progress. The summary can be updated from the sub-window and entered into the log  by clicking on the "Date/time" link.


Reminders can be assigned to calls by clicking on the "reminder" button, on the update page The following sub-window appears with a range of options.

Reminders will be e-mailed to the nominated e-mail address with the selected frequency. Reminderes may be cleared by selecting a frequency of "None".
Reminders may be set by any authorised user on any call.

Adding Owners to Calls

You may add new owners to your calls. Owners can be either individuals, or  other whole groups .

Owners may be added from either the "new-call" page or the "update" page.

Add  individual owners  by selecting the individual's name from the "Owner Management" area on call update page,

or from the "Add to call" area on the new call page.

Before submitting the request, a decision about call ownership must be made. If the "ownership/retain" option is selected (default), then submitting the call:

If the "ownership/transfer" option is selected, then submitting the call: Add Group owners by selecting the group name from the drop down lists described above. Group owned calls need to be  accepted by an individual within the named group. To facilitate this, an email notification is despatched to the group email address, inviting individuals of the named group to accept the call..
Accepting a call requires the user to enter the call-update screen by either: ... and ensuring that the call acceptance checkbox is ticked when you click the "Update Call" button.


Removing Owners from a Call.

You may only remove those owners from calls which you have previously added. You can view a table of owners that you have added by clicking the "history" button on the call update page, eg:

In the above example, John Horgan has three downstream sub owners (Eugene, Peter and Michael), and Eugene has two sub owners (Khoi, Chris). If John removes Eugene, then Eugene's downstream owners (Khoi and Chris) will become John's downstream owners.

Similarly, if Eugene removes himself from the call, then Khoi and Chris become John's downstream owners.

If John reomves himself from the call, then all of John's downstream owners are moved to Eugene.

Removal of owners is selected from the the "owner management" area on the call update page:

System Specifications

Directories and Files:

Directory File Name Description
/HTML rmt.html Home page
/html rmt_frame1.html Top horizontal frame of home page
/html rmt_frame2.html Left vertical frame (index) of home page
/html rmt_frontpage.html Right vertical frame of home page
/html rmt_instructs.html This page
/cgi-bin rmt Public access rmt (search engine)
/cgi-bin/secure rmt_secure Authorised access rmt modules
/cgi-bin/secure rmt_cron Timer management routines
/cgi-bin/secure rmt_authbuild Builds authority table from config table

Database Tables:

Name Type Desctiption
pers_num int(2) MAIS Person Number (Primary Key)
pers_name char(30) Person Name (from MAIS)
central_id char(20) Central login-id
status char(10) "user" or "supervisor"

Name Type Description
pers_num int(2) MAIS Person Number (Primary key)
pers_name char(30) MAIS Person Name
call_group char(20) Group name
email char(40) Email address
dcode char(6) Division code

Name Type Description
next_number int(2) Next available call number

Name Type Description
call_num int(2) Call Number (Primary Key)
created datetime Created date and time
closed datetime Closed date and time
owner_pnums char(80) Owner person numbers (comma separated)
call_group char(20) Group name of primary owner
call_type char(20) Call,Maint,Project,........
caller_pnum int(2) Person number of caller
caller_name char(30) Caller name
caller_phone char(10) Caller phone number
caller_email char(40) Caller email address
priority int(2) Call priority
dcode char(6) Caller dcode
status char(1) Call status
title char(80) Call title

rmt_data,  rmt_progress
Name Type Description
call_num int(2) Call Number
entered datetime Date and time journal entry was created
owner_pnum int(2) Person number of owner who created journal
owner_name char(20) Name of owner who created journal
journal text Journal entry

Name Type Description
call_num int(2) Call number
from_pnum int(2) Person number of referrer
to_pnum int(2) Person number of referree
created datetime Date and time referral created
closed datetime Date and time referral closed
reason char(50) reason for closure/removal

Name Type Description
call_num int(2) Call number
owner_pnum int(2) Owner person number
frequency char(20) Once,Daily, Weekly,Monthly,Annually
value datetime At what date/time
day_of_week int(2) 0-6=Mon-Sun, 9=Include Sat&Sun
email char(50) Where to send notification